Discover Our Closely Guarded Formula to Identify and Forever Annihilate Financial Subconscious Blockages – The Hidden Killer Suffocating Your Financial Potential

This is NOT a sales page.

It is an urgent message. I just had to tell you, because after several years in the financial planning industry, I was sick and tired of seeing honest, hard-working people just like you get legally swindled of their precious earnings. If you’d like to prevent this happening to you then you need to read every word on this page.

Confusion, myths and outright lies are being fed to you on how to achieve Financial Freedom. The fact is that the majority of people who give advice telling you how to manage your money are no closer to being financially free than you are!

What gives me the right to make such outrageous claims? Well, I was one of those advice givers. In fact, I managed over 50 other financial planners, and I had all my government licenses and accreditations to boot. I’ve personally advised hundreds of low and hundreds of high net worth clients – and witnessed how the confusion, myths and lies given by “well respected” financial institutions and their advisors condemned people just like you to a life time of work and toil at a 50 hour per week job that they don’t even like.

Here’s the thing. This blatant misinformation is deliberate….. but LEGAL! It has been calculated and regulated by those who make massive gains…. preying on your financial ignorance. It’s time someone spoke out.

Have you ever heard a ‘qualified’ financial planner tell you “keep working and putting away money, so when you retire (at around 65) you will have a sizeable ‘nest egg’ of money which you can then retire with and live the life of your dreams?”

This usually means a house by the beach, lots of free time walking on that beach with the partner of your dreams, lots of travel and a luxury boat and car as well.

The harsh reality is….. over 95% will NOT have enough money saved to even fund a retirement that maintains their current standard of living.

Hundreds of thousands of hard-working citizens will not be able to fund a retirement plan that’s barely even more than welfare. What makes this utterly ludicrous is that the planners, financial institutions and governments know it.

Yet they still allow the confusion, myths and lies to continue. The truly scary thing is that the people trying to plan and invest are generally amongst the smarter ones in our society who actually make the effort to plan for their retirement.

The statics show that most people do not even plan to be financial free by retirement.

Let’s face it, most people don’t want to have to work for money just to pay the bills. Do you really want to “have to” work? Do you really want to be doing something you  would prefer not to be doing…..for most of your life…… just so you can pay the bills?

That’s exactly the plan they’re selling you, and sadly the plan that over 85% of people are buying. Worse still, most are not even prepared….for what happens after 65. A very scary thought.

Let me be clear, I’m not saying you shouldn’t work. What I am saying is that you should have the choice to work if you want to, not because you have to. You should love what you do so much that if you didn’t get paid you’d still do it. Wouldn’t that be incredible?

True Financial Freedom is having passive streams of income that do not require exchanging hours for money.

Most people just don’t have a clue on what it really takes to develop, maintain and keep the passive income streams that give true financial freedom.

Here’s an interesting question to ponder: have your advisors demonstrated to you that they have achieved financial freedom?

Can they honestly prove that they make enough money via passive income sources so that they don’t need to work? I can tell you right now that these people are just as tied to their ‘job’ as you are and are falling into the same trap themselves (either that or they get rich selling you financial plans and funds). I know for a fact that most of the 53 financial planners that I use to manage could hardly make it from pay day to pay day. Yet they would give advice on people’s lives and money.

Here’s a great analogy. You want to get in serious shape. You read all the books you can, watch all the shows on TV and you even buy a gym membership. Then you come to see the ‘advisor’. It’s an incredibly overweight person who wreaks of smoke and is already out of breath just from walking from the reception to the consult room.

Would you seriously take advice on dieting and fitness from this person? Guess what? This is EXACTLY the level of advice you get when it comes to money. The only difference is, you can’t SEE that the person is in really bad financial shape. Anyone can afford one expensive suit.

I hope I’ve made my point.

So why should you listen to me?

Well, because I’ve done it. I have developed, maintained and increased my passive income sources with enough money to maintain my lifestyle indefinitely for the rest of my life (and my wife and kids) without needing to work for a single day for the rest of my life. I don’t tell this to impress you but to IMPRESS UPON YOU the importance of this message. I don’t want you to become another Australian Bureau of Statistic (you know the one that says at age 65, 95% of people will either be dead or dead broke)

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The rest of this page will reveal what drove me, and my secret keys to success.

As stated I’ve studied and worked as a financial planner. I’ve also owned and run a management consulting firm advising both large and small business on how to make money. I have made a lot of money doing those things. However, the money wasn’t passive. It was active income – trading my limited hours for dollars.

The harder I worked the more I made, but the more I made, the less of a life I had. The depressing thing for me was that after studying many of my successful clients, I noticed that they were following exactly the same pattern – being slaves to their jobs.

Sure they had more money but they also had more bills. This is why they weren’t truly wealthy – if they stopped working they stopped earning. It also amazed me as a Financial Planner to see that no matter how much people earned they would always adjust their spending to just a little more than their earning. This would lock them into a money trap that was close to impossible to get out of.

I could see I was heading down that track and I made a decision. That was NOT going to be me.

I set a goal:  to make $10,000 of passive income per month within five years. This would allow us (my wife and I) to make enough money to keep us in the lifestyle that we had develop without the need to work.

I spent tens of thousands of dollars on learning the systems of people who seemed to have cracked the passive income code. After 4 ½ years of study and research were no closer having a regular source of passive income.

Then we found the missing link that profoundly changed our lives and made our income SKYROCKET.

I was shown how to identify and remove my subconscious mental blocks to success.

I learnt and applied the skills that helped build a passive income money freedom you. Within weeks of doing this we started to make regular passive income.  Within six months we were averaging $20,000 of passive income per month (did I mention this was in US dollars?).

Which is exactly the reason I decided to put together a program which teaches you EXACTLY what I did, step by step, so you can achieve the same results. Essentially it boils down to how you:

  • think about money
  • feel about money
  • and how you act with money.

The Freedom Triangle

This site has been put together to guide you through the process he and many others have used to take monumental leaps in income. We’ve included many of the steps, resources, hints and tips that were discovered along the way.

The key foundation on which this entire program relies on is known as the MEP success triangle. In fact, mastering all the areas of the triangle is essential if you desire true success in any area of your life.

There are 3 sides to the success triangle.

The three areas are:

If you really want to be successful in any area of your life, you need to address each area. Addressing one area really well and falling short in the other two is a trap many fall into; and they wonder why they never really accelerate their results.


This side of the triangle refers to all the KNOWLEDGE and learning you have immersed yourself in. Are you someone who is always reading about ‘how to’ do something? For example – how to trade shares, how to invest in property, how to create an online business, how to improve your relationships, etc etc etc? Do you or have you attended seminar upon seminar on wealth creation, finances and relationships? Are you constantly listening to audio programs and reading books on ‘how to’?

The person who focuses too much on this area becomes almost a walking encyclopedia of information. With ZERO results. The funny thing is, they keep searching for more information, immersing themselves in more and more information and creating a vicious cycle where they become more educated but financially worse off. Somehow, they manage to justify that this is ok.

The very fact you are reading this proves you already have a very strong ‘Mental’ side to your triangle. I’m not suggesting for a second that you are in the above cycle, but many of you reading this will be able to relate to it. Although we’ll be refining your mental sharpness in this program, it’s NOT going to be our focus to throw more information at you. In fact, if anything you’ll be STOPPING searching for more ‘how to’ information so that you can start EXECUTING. With the other two sides of the triangle in balance, you’ll be able to finally do so – and that’s what separates this program from all the other ‘money making’ programs on the market (they all fail to address the emotional side).


The physical side of the triangle refers to your investment – in two areas. First, the financial resources you need to invest in order to get a project up and running. If this is lacking, you’ll have to get more creative. Secondly, you’ll have to decide what level of energy and time you wish to put in to achieve the desired outcome.

With this program, we will help you shortcut through any physical barriers that are standing in your way. We’ll share with you creative ways to finance your ideas and we’ll also share with you many of the mistakes the ‘gurus’ have made… so you DON’T fall into the same traps!


This is the area most people neglect, and we’re going to spend some SERIOUS time with you in this program to ensure you never let this side slip. The reason is… because we believe it to be EQUALLY as important for success as the other two, and most people COMPLETELY NEGLECT or are simply UNAWARE that this is missing. How do you tell if you’ve been neglecting this area of the triangle?

Simple – Lack of results. But you’re working really hard. You just don’t know why but you know something is holding you back.

You have all the ‘knowledge’, and all the ‘tools’ to get results, but years go by and your annual pay cheques year after year – for the last decade – remain within 5% of each other.

Does this sound familiar? Maybe someone you know? Maybe someone you know… intimately? Don’t worry if that’s the case, it’s not your fault.

And you are definitely in the right place!

What this area of the triangle is referring to are subconscious blockages – little emotional stumbling blocks that unknowingly hold you back. Some call it self sabotage. You may have heard of it but most of you would never have taken the time to seriously and systematically address your own personal blocks. EVERYONE has them, it’s just a matter of how strong and how many might exist.

This side will be the ultimate focus of the Of course, we’ll ensure you keep the other areas in check, but we need to get you back on a level playing field. In most cases, we’ve got years sometimes decades of accumulated blockages to address. And we’ve jam-packed the first 60 days of our program full of proven tools, strategies and methods designed to give you massive breakthroughs in this area.

Let’s dive a bit deeper into the emotional side of the triangle. The process is absolutely crucial for you to understand once you’ve decided to remove your blocks.

You’ll get some real-life case studies and strategies very soon, but please read every word we’ve included before you reach that section – it’s that important.

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STEP ONE – Identify Your Blockages

What is a BLOCK?

A block is a limiting belief that you are unaware of, but you run unconsciously whenever you are around money or money making opportunities.

The sad thing is, most people are never made aware they have blockages in the first place. Through decades of conditioning through school and working in a ‘job’ – they are resigned to earning a humble wage for the rest of their lives.

By being here, you’re already in small % of people who actively seek knowledge and strategies to undo their conditioning.

A block explains why you haven’t been able to break through the income level that you’ve been earning for the past few years, even though you seem to be working harder and harder.

Sure, knowledge and education play a part, but haven’t you also been reading lots of books, attending seminars and workshops? Has this made a huge difference to your income? So what’s REALLY holding you back? If you don’t know, don’t worry, it’s not your fault.

Overview of the Mind

You’ve probably heard the mind is divided into the conscious and subconscious, but stay with me as I explain it in context.

The conscious mind is the part that thinks and reasons. It’s the part that you control and use to make up all sorts of reasons as to why you’re not earning the levels you could be. All your thoughts are produced here. All pain, pleasure, or limitation originates from your conscious mind. As you accept a thought, it penetrates to your sub-conscious.

The Sub-conscious mind has been known as lifes true ‘power centre.’ Every thought your conscious mind chooses to accept, this too accepts willingly and without question. It expresses itself through feelings and actions. Fixed ideas that you have will continue to be expressed automatically UNTIL THEY ARE REPLACED OR REMOVED.

So…… how does that apply to you?

When you were growing up, the ability to control what ideas and thoughts entered into your mind was not developed. Consequently, you have unknowingly been conditioned to accept countless limitations in all areas of your life.

The Creation of Your Beliefs

Most blocks have formed as a result of modeling the significant people around you – like your parents, teachers and friends.

If your parents believed that they could never be rich, you are likely to have taken on those beliefs yourself, whether you wanted to or not.

Remember, the beliefs you have are nothing but perceptions and interpretations you make about these past experiences. However, after a while, you forget they are merely perceptions and begin to accept them as absolute truths. That is when they become commands embedded in your brain, and begin to determine how you live your life. While some of the beliefs actually empower you, many of them severely limit you.

To make lasting change, you must acknowledge that there is something causing your current results. You might not be able to put your finger on it, but you know there is a block somewhere.

Here’s your first task – but be warned – if you do this properly it is very powerful and for some people can be confronting.

This is the very same exercise that Andrew Grant performs on a regular basis. Andrew uses a whole toolbox to keep his blocks in check which you can access too here.

Block Identifier Exercise #1 of  25 (Get the whole toolbox here)

First, sit down with a blank piece of paper and pen and ensure you have space and a quiet environment.

Pick out one major goal in your life, in any area. Then, construct it in the positive as if it has already been achieved. For example, “it is now, Feb 2012 and I have a passive income of $200 000 per year”. What you now need to do is divide the page into two by drawing a line down the centre. Then, in the left hand side write your goal. IMMEDIATELY after writing your goal, write the first response that comes into your mind. Don’t wait, don’t think, don’t analyse. In fact if nothing comes to mind just write ‘BLANK’. Do this for a solid 5 minutes (time yourself). You should be able to get at least 20 – 30 responses subconscious responses.

I’ve included a screen shot of what mine looked like here.

Can you notice any patterns? Can you start to identify any limiting beliefs – those programs that are holding you back time and time again…….

If you can’t, try again for longer – 10 minutes can produce a lot if you’ve done this properly. You might also like to try it at different times in the day (e.g. first thing in the morning) and for a few days in succession just to see if you can uncover what’s within. If this technique doesn’t uncover anything, don’t worry. The mentoring program guarantees you will get some massive break throughs.

What did you come up with? Take a look at some of these common blocks that people have overcome with Money Freedom You techniques:


“Money is the root of all evil”

“Money is difficult to earn”

“Rich people are greedy”

“Money only brings problems”

“The Market is too saturated for me to make money”

“Everybody is already doing it. I’ll never get wealthy trying”

“Really good opportunities are scarce”

“I must work hard in order to earn money”

Once you have identified some blocks, you’ll be wondering what to do next. Please read on.

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STEP TWO – Prepare for Change

As you read, I want you to participate actively in using the exercises to create the belief changes that you desire. Out of the list of limiting beliefs you have made, choose three major beliefs to work on first. Let’s get started…

Find Enough Reasons to Overcome Your Block

The first step to changing a belief is to first find a strong enough reason to change. You wont be committed if you don’t have a compelling enough reason to change. You might be in a situation where you’re not satisfied with the results you’re getting, but it is not painful enough yet for you to take massive action.

So make sure your WHY is compelling enough.

What is extremely powerful is to think of what this limiting belief has cost you in your life so far, and will continue to cost in the future. Remember that we are all driven by emotions and not by logic. You can have all the logical reasons why you must change, but you never will until you create the images in your mind and feel strong enough emotions to want to change.

So, next to each of your limiting beliefs, I want you to think and write down the price you have paid for holding on to these beliefs. How have these beliefs cost you in the past? For example, if you have a belief that you ‘don’t have enough experience’, it may have prevented you from taking on a challenging and rewarding project, earning a promotion, taking advantage of a business opportunity etc. Make sure you get emotional. If you want a professional guide to ensure you are getting the full benefits simply click here.

Decades in Days

I once heard this expression and it really had an impact on me. The term ‘decades in days’ refers to the fact that you can take literally decades of experience from someone else’s mistakes… and learn them in days.

You see, the very best minds in the world today and from the past usually have some record of what they’ve learnt, and how they got there. This may take the form of a book they’ve written, a program they’ve recorded or even a membership program, like The Money Freedom You.

All it means is that it would take save you literally decades of going through all the mistakes yourself.

So, you must become a student of successful people. Study human psychology and success. It’s never taught in schools or universities, but it is crucial to understand how the mind works before you can begin to gain control over it.

When you start to understand how your inner programs are run, you will have the arsenal to begin re-programming your money-related programs, and tangible results will start to appear in your life.

Here are some key steps to begin educating yourself:

  • Read books that nourish your mind.
  • Find a mentor that you respect and want to model
  • Study successful people in your industry
  • Get a coach. Nothing compares to outside input and accountability
  • Join a mastermind group – the momentum itself will carry you
  • Attend seminars for ongoing ideas and network like mad!
  • Study your past patterns and observe your past results
STEP THREE – Removing Blockages and Building New Programs

By now hopefully you’ve identified some of the deeper issues that may have caused your financial situation.

The good news is, IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT.

So, if you know that blocks are nothing but limiting generalizations that are holding you back, then how do you remove them? How do you collapse the blockage ‘tables’ that have formed within your subconscious mind? The answer is to remove the legs that hold the table up!

In other words, you must challenge the evidence that support the limiting belief. Once you remove the legs, the belief will collapse! So how do we go about challenging the evidences that hold your beliefs together?  Much of the evidence that supports your beliefs are nothing but your own interpretations of past experiences. They could mean a million other things! Many of the supporting evidence given by the people around you may also not be credible.

Remember, you need to remove the legs that hold your belief up. You will find eventually that the evidence is nothing but generalizations and misinterpretations you have made about past experiences.

First, you must find the evidence that supports your block.

You can do so by asking the followings set of questions:

  1. How did I first create this belief?
  2. What makes me believe that this true?

Next, challenge the evidence by asking

  1. ‘What else can this mean?’
  2. ‘Is there a counter example?’
  3. ‘How credible is this person giving me the belief?’

Another great way to collapse the ‘legs’ beneath your table of blockages is to replace the legs with new empowering beliefs that support a liberated future, with nothing HOLDING YOU BACK.

Emotional Block Remover Method #1 of #19 (Get the rest here)

One super effective tool is called the mantra flasher. Basically, if you’re in front of a computer for between 1 – 8 hours a day, you could be reprogramming your inner financial blueprints simply by using this program.

It works to gain the attention of your SUBCONSCIOUS mind and flashes a new powerful belief thousands of times. Your conscious mind won’t even see it, so you can continue working as normal.

It has been said that an hour using this technique is equivalent to weeks of therapy!

Mantra Flasher has one great feature. It allows you to create and program your own new beliefs. When you rewrite your messages, you need to be specific and positive.

Here are some examples I have in mine:

  • Money flows to me in avalanches of abundance
  • I am free to create whatever I want with money
  • I am grateful that I am an honest and generous rich person
  • My parents did the best they could with all the resources they had
  • Money is a God-given resource that I am choosing to use to bless my life and others
  • I am worthy and I am ready, I choose wealth now.

The easy way to do it

If all of the above seems just too hard, there is an easier way. For just $49 per month you get access to our mentoring program to guide you in detail every step of the way. We shower you with every strategy we know that works, and load your mind with the best and most profound concepts we know that has helped hundreds of people break through their self-imposed blockages.

Plus you get access to us via email to personally answer your questions, make suggestions, and point you in the right direction. To find out more about what the mentoring program covers, please click here.

Good luck!

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While we are happy to receive email queries, we don’t guarantee that we will get back to you immediately. We will set up an FAQ page with answers to the most common queries, so if you haven’t heard back from us, please check the FAQ page at this site in a couple of weeks.

Kind regards,

